What is Buddhism?
Buddhism, a non-theistic religion, is often described as a "mind-science." Tibetan Buddhism teaches that through the systematic practice of its timeless methods, one's mind can be transformed into its highest potential of wisdom and compassion. Each individual is ultimately responsible for his own present and future happiness.
Westerners are increasingly attracted to Buddhism because its ageless truths (called Buddhist Dharma) and psychological technologies (meditation in its various forms) appeal to both the heart and intellect.
A pleasant surprise for newcomers to Buddhism is its encouragement of open minded skepticism and tolerance of other religious views. The Buddha said 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself or others, only then should you accept them.'
The ultimate goal of Tibetan Buddhism is for an individual to evolve to the point of being able to skillfully help others in all possible ways (to become a living Buddha). This is accomplished by eliminating all our habitual destructive attitudes and perfecting all our good qualities, thus achieving the state of supreme enlightenment. To this end we dedicate our efforts and extend a warm welcome to new friends.
If you are completely new to Buddhism or would like to do some reading, check out the information in our bookstore.