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Plant a Row for the Hungry

Kadampa Center has participated in Plant a Row for the Hungrysince 2010. In that year, we planted Emily’s Garden of Flower Offerings with flowers for our altar, and expanded the gardening to include a bed of tomatoes and cucumbers, which we donated to area food banks through the PAR program.

The next year, our children planted seeds in March for the vegetable garden. We added peppers and cantaloupe to the garden and raised a total of 80.65 pounds of vegetables that we donated to the Food Bank.

In 2012, our 4th to 7th grade class has taken ownership of our Plant a Row project. In April they set out bedding plants - tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, cantaloupe and sunflowers - in new raised beds built by Joey Gooch and Brenda Hollifield. With help from the teen group, the kids have weeded the beds and caged the tomatoes and cukes. 

Our first harvest for 2012 produced 3.44 pounds of yellow squash and cucumber.  Watch our veggie basket fill over the summer!