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Retreat: Meditations on the Six Perfections

Friday, April 28, (All day) to Sunday, April 30, (All day) 2017

Imagine your heart is so warm and full that all you can think about is giving others all they need -- possessions, happiness, fearlessness.

Imagine your mind is so patient, ou're not bothered by the neighbor's loud stereo, the driver who cuts in front of you, the co-worker who takes credit for your work.

Imagine you have developed such concentration that you can focus for hours on a single thought.

These are just some of the Six Perfections, the summary of all the deeds of a bodhisattva.

Through these practices -- Generosity, Patience, Morality, Joyous Effort, Concentration and Wisdom-- bodhisattvas hone and perfect their ability to work tirelessly for the benefit of others.

In this weekend retreat, Geshe Gelek will lead us in meditating on the Six Perfections.

Noland’s farm is a lovely setting for retreat – a peaceful place in the country with lots of space for reflection. The accommodations are quite rustic – sleeping is indoors, but be prepared to bring sleeping bags and padding. Camping is also an option. The farm is not fully handicapped accessible, including uneven ground for walking and stairs or steps to entrances. The farm is located in Alamance County, off Route 87 about halfway between Route 40 and Route 64 (about 15 minutes north of Pittsboro). Exact directions will be sent after registration.

At the retreat, we uphold the five retreat precepts of no lying; no taking something that isn’t freely given; no killing; no sexual contact; no use of drugs, alcohol or smoking.

Please plan to arrive at the farm on Friday betwen 3:30-5:30pm (if possible to check in). Dinner will be at 6:00pm and a mandatory orientation session begins at 7:00pm.

After a noon lunch on Sunday is a final cleaning and packing session.

Click on the link below to register.


Register here

Location at Kadampa Center: 