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Family Program Sunday Morning FAQs

Please come for a visit – we welcome new families! If your question is not addressed either on this page or in this section, please email us.

There are not separate children's classes every Sunday. 

Check the Calendar to see when classes are offered. The Family Program runs a Fall, Winter/Spring, and Summer Program.  Each is led by volunteer teachers and we staff classes according to the needs of the children.  Most Programs run for at least 12 weeks and take breaks during holidays and tmes when families are traditionally busy with school events (Dec and May). 

For the Fall 2019 session class dates are Sept. 8th through Nov. 24th.

Whenever there are not separate children's classes, children are welcome in the gompa (see below).

Your Children are welcome in the Gompa any time.  And, You don’t have to! A message about our littlest teachers:

We welcome our littlest ones in the gompa at all times, so they may hear the Dharma. Their presence is important – and their wiggles, whispers and whimpers give the bigger folks a chance to practice patience!

If having them in the Gompa is not easy on your mind though - there is a Refuge Room (see below for more info).

The Refuge Room is located behind the shoe shelves.  This room is designed for chidlren under the age of 5 to have their needs met while you take teachings as well.  Instructions on how to turn on the streaming video from the gompa and the sound are located in the room.  While there is no drop off preschool class at the moment, we have a model ready to implement when the interest/need arises.  


Sometimes children have special needs and fit better in a class other than the one designed for his or her age. Please communicate with the Children's Program Coordinator ahead of time if you feel you child needs special accommodations. The Program Coordinator will consider the needs for the program as well as needs of individual children when evaluating exceptions in class placement. We ask that the first few times your child attends that he or she participates with others his age (or younger for shy or special needs).

Yes, during the volunteer led classes of Fall Session and Winter/Spring Session, students are grouped by grade.

For Fall 2019 these classes are:

  • Elementary (grades 5K to 4th grade)
  • Middle (grades 5th to 7th)
  • Teen (grade 8 and high school)

Children under 5 are welcome in the gompa or you can take teachings while they play in the Refuge Room.