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Renovations at Kadampa Center 2024



This project will enable us to host social events with meals for our entire community, and support on-site retreats with meals prepared in our kitchen.

  • expand our kitchen, adding an oven, cooktop and vent hood, dishwasher, and more counter space and cabinets
  • add sinks so there are separate prep spaces for flowers, meals and sangha care
  • add hot water to our restrooms
  • improve lighting in the women's room
  • add electrical outlets in the south gompa/north lobby wall
  • expand on-site storage for the spiritual programs
  • improve utility storage such as tools and cleaning supplies
  • move the office
  • improve and expand outside watering capability to keep our grounds beautiful

This is our first major work on the building in almost 20 years. Creation of the true kitchen will fulfill Geshe Gelek's vision of creating a hub for us to gather together as a community.

Overall cost of the renovations is close to $155,000. Kadampa Center will contribute $50,000 of assets we have in the bank, and all nine members of our board of directors have pledged financial support for the project. Other members have pledged more than $30,000 already.

You can be part of this effort!  

Click here to donate to our 2024 renovations project.

Thank you!

Here are video reports of the renovation work that is now underway:

  • Video 1 - August 6th, removing our cabinets, preparing the space for renovation
  • Video 2 - September 25, wiring, plumbing, and drywall work well underway