One of the most important things we offer at Kadampa Center is a feeling of community. We encourage our members and friends to participate in as many ways they feel comfortable. Some folks enjoy participating in the more formal practices and rituals. Others enjoy the fellowship of Sunday Dharma and all the activities surrounding the organized chaos that is Sunday! Still others enjoy discussing the dharma with others in a more informal settings.
And then there are always opportunities for helping out at the Center. We have needs for a lot of things from simple (e.g., filling water bowls, general cleaning, or one-time setup/teardown for events) to more complex (e.g., participating in a committee, managing an event or activity, leading a class, or being a member of our board or management team. Contact one of the members of our Management Team if you are interested in helping out! Also, look for opportunities on our online calendar, Volunteer Spot, announcements in the Sunday bulletin or posts on This Week email.
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