Team Effort for Venerable Robina!
Venerable Robina’s recent visit would not have been possible without the help of many volunteers who shopped, drove, greeted visitors, assisted in the gompa, and did so much more. Big thanks to Ven. Tendron, Ven. Lhamo, Brian Dyer, Lisa James, Hemant and Patti Pandya, Diane Meyer, Brian Dyer, Chris Baranski, Kim Lillig, Jack Shannon, Scott Miller, Joan Lacey, John Castelloe, Mike Flaherty, Christine Wiecek, Sandy Carlson, David Machles, Catherine Deverter, Elise Strevel, Steve Hale, Marian Hale, David Strevel, CJ Wilkerson, Rene LeReau, Louise Miller, Suzy Boehm, Dorothy Robson, Susan Daniel, Jill Marie and Robbie Watkins for your amazing contributions of time and energy!