Ways to Offer Service

Clean out pockets on chairs
Straighten up the cushions
Line up chairs
Brush off cushions
Dust mop the altar floor
Dust the Gompa floor
Ways to help inside - Relaxed
Separate Dharma burn from Holy Images
Straighten chairs around tables
Restock bathrooms
Ways to help inside - Cleaning
Sweep the mats
Wipe down trashcans
Empty trashcans
Take out the recycling
Vacuum carpets
Wipe out sinks in bathrooms
Sweep floors in bathroom
Ways to help inside - Outside
Sweep the stupa area
Straighten chairs around stupa
Clean leaves off stupa
Water plants around stupa
Sweep sidewalks
Water plants by Buddha
Water Emily’s garden
Fill bird baths
Fill bird feeder
Clean windows
Pick up dead limbs, throw into woods