Dharma for a Happy Life with Geshe Gelek or Geshe Sangpo
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Our Sunday morning teachings are a vibrant, interactive experience where we explore applying the methods of Buddhism to the nitty-gritty of daily life. With the guidance of one of our resident teachers, Geshe Gelek Chodha or Geshe Palden Sangpo, we discuss the complications that make us unhappy, and how the tools of Buddhism sheds new light on our thoughts and emotions. In this process we discover how to steer our minds toward happiness.
Sunday mornings typically begin with prayers, a brief meditation, and the rare opportunity to learn from a highly trained Buddhist monk. When Geshe Gelek and Geshe Sangpo are away, one of several senior students will lead the session. The teachings and prayers are in English.
Geshe-la welcomes questions and frequently will ask for questions from us, so that he can tailor his teachings to our needs. We collect questions at any time at the Center (there’s a box on the desk just inside the door for them), and you can also submit questions online.
Sunday is a great time for a first visit to Kadampa Center – students at every level come, from newcomers to practitioners with 30+ years of experience, and it's a great opportunity to meet others and start making new friends.
We offer a full range of children's programs on Sundays. Children are invited to sit on the blue cushions at the front of the gompa, and then depart to their classes after opening prayers. Any child who wishes to is welcome to remain in the gompa for the teachings.
On many Sundays, we also host other events, such as the Newcomer Orientation, New Member Orientation, pujas, and more. Special events for holy days, special practices, or exhibits and visiting teachers are also occasionally held on Sundays, so for all these events please check the calendar for more information and specific times.