Saka Dawa
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This day marks Shakyamuni Buddha's birth, enlightenment and parinirvana (passing from this life).
This is an especially auspicious day for spiritual practice — the karmic effects of all actions, positive and negative, are multiplied exponentially!
Our schedule at Kadampa Center will include:
Eight Mahayana Precepts, at 5:15 am, followed by a group reading of the Vajra Cutter Sutra. The precepts begin before dawn and end at sunrise the following day. These precepts must be taken from a qualified master the first time; afterward the student may take them at home before their altar. Geshe Gelek will offer precepts if students request it. If you wish to take precepts for the first time, please register here.
Medicine Buddha Puja at 12 pm.
Geshe Gelek will offer Refuge in the Three Jewels, as well as the five Lay Vows and the 18 Bodhisattva Vows, beginning at 7pm. If you are taking refuge for the first time, please register here by Tuesday, June 6. Those who wish to renew their vows may attend also.