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Tara Practice with Geshe Gelek in the Gompa (in person & online)

10:30 am Saturday, July 20, 2024

Let's rejoice! Tara Practice will be held in the Gompa with Geshe Gelek!

Saturday, July 20, from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm, in person or online.

Tara liberates from cyclic existence, from all fears and from all sickness. Mother Tara is the embodiment of compassion in action. With her 21 emanations, she is capable of helping in every circumstance.

In this beautiful practice, we will invite all the 21 Taras to a special altar in the center of the gompa that we can circumambulate (see below for how to help set it up), and engage with each of the 21 Taras in turn, making prostrations and offerings, visualizing and meditating on her qualities.

Geshe Gelek leads us – the first time since the pandemic that Tara practice has been offered in person.

Students are invited to join us the day before, Friday, July 19, at 2 pm to set up Tara's altar.

In addition, students are invited to arrive at 9:30 Saturday morning to make the actual offerings at the altar.

Many hands are needed both Friday and Saturday!

HOW TO PARTICIPATE ~ in person & online!

  • Join us in person at Kadampa Center - Students are strongly encourage to join us in the gompa, to get the full impact of the practice. For those who can't come in person, the session can be viewed on Zoom and YouTube. 
  • Join us via Zoom ~ please REGISTER FOR ZOOM HERE
  • Watch on YouTube LiveStream HERE
  • A note about joining online: Please be aware that we will not monitor Zoom and YouTube as we do for a teaching, and we will not share the text onscreen. The visualizations will be read aloud, so students online can listen and visualize!

ACTS OF SERVICE ~ volunteer!

  • Students are invited to join us the day before, Friday, July 19, at 2 pm to set up Tara's altar.
  • In addition, students are invited to arrive at 9:30 Saturday morning to make the actual offerings at the altar.
  • And of course, we will need volunteers to help take down the altar and restore the gompa to its usual configuration following the practice.

Many hands are needed both Friday and Saturday!

SPONSOR ~ the Tara practice

Supporting Dharma practice is an incredibly powerful and important act -- it is a practice of the highest form of generosity – giving the means to enlightenment. Kadampa Center has for many years operated within the ideal of offering Dharma without charging a fee, so that money is not an obstacle for anyone to hear the precious teachings and participate in the practices. We rely on the generous hearts of those who are moved to support the spiritual offerings and keep them open to everyone regardless of ability to pay. Supporting the practice benefits not just the Center and those who attend, but also greatly benefits the donor, because it creates the causes to meet the Buddha Dharma again in future lives, and deepens the connection with the teacher or deity.

Sponsors  are invited to submit their personal dedication, which will be posted on the gompa door so that all may share and rejoice in your intentions.  Please make your sponsorship and dedication no later than Thursday July 18 to give us time to post your dedication.   SUBMIT YOUR DEDICATION HERE!

Sponsor the Tara practice ~  $125. 

Donation in any heartfelt amount $ your choice





Location at Kadampa Center: 