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Vajrayogini Fire Puja in Boone

9:00 am Sunday, April 23, 2023


Vajrayogini Fire Puja!

We have a rare and incredibly auspicious opportunity to attend a Vajrayogini fire puja on Sunday, April 23, at 9 am, in Boone, NC. Geshe Gelek encourages everyone to attend and all are welcome! 

To help create the causes to make this possible, the Sunday Morning Meditation and the usuaul Sunday Morning Dharma Connections teaching with Gelshe Gelek both will be CANCELLED on Sunday April 23.  Geshe-la's hope is that the Kadampa Center community will instead be able to gather together in Boone and participate in the Vajrayogini Fire Puja together.  

Bring a camp chair! We will be outdoors and there are limited chairs at the site.

This special puja will be the culminating event of a three-week Vajrayogini retreat, led by Geshe Sangpo, with nine Center members participating.

The retreat participants are immersing themselves in Vajrayogini practice for three weeks, working to recite 100,000 Vajrayogini mantras, for the purpose of coming closer to the deity.  The fire puja at the end of the retreat is for purifying any mistakes during the retreat, and for increasing the merit. 


  • Please click HERE for very important & detailed information about traveling to and participating in the Vajrayogini Fire Puja.
  • Once you open the link:
    • indicate your interest in carpooling (or not)
    • indicate the number of people in your party who plan to attend 
    • and please read all of the information at the bottom of the form


Geshe Gelek says the retreat is "a huge achievement" for Kadampa Center,  the first time in our history that we have organized a highest yoga tantra retreat.
It is amazing that we had the karma for all the necessary conditions to come together for this retreat - the initiation from a qualified master, a teacher to explain the practice, a teacher to lead the retreat, a place to hold it, and students who are able to devote three weeks of their lives to this.

There are many other center members who are creating great merit by supporting the retreat, either through volunteer efforts or financial sponsorships.

There is also great merit in attending the fire puja, an elaborate, colorful ritual that involves offering more than a dozen substances to be burned in the fire.  Everyone is encouraged to attend!

Since Boone is about a three-hour drive away, we want to facilitate forming carpools so everyone who wants to can attend.  Please click on the link in the "HOW TO PARTICIPATE" section above for very important carpool, travel, and parking information.